Welcome to The Keto RN!

I am so happy you are here!

My name is Jennifer McKenzie. I live in Spokane, WA, in the beautiful Pacific Northwest!

I am a wife to Greg, and mom to our 3 beautiful children, and a dog mom to our 2 adorable Havanese dogs. I have been a registered nurse since 1989.

My health journey to a keto lifestyle started in 2017. I was approaching my 50th birthday and noticed I was gaining weight. I decided to give up sugar and carbs for Lent that year. I had no idea what I was doing or what this would lead to in my life. I was just desperate to feel better and had heard enough about sugar to know it was really toxic and inflammatory to my system.

Slowly, I began researching The Atkins Diet, which led me to low carb, and finally The Ketogenic Diet.

I found myself completely overwhelmed and not really understanding exactly what to do, so I researched all I could find through the internet, podcasts, and books. My science background and work in healthcare was really beneficial in my research. I learned so much about food, the food system, and how food affects health, sleep, immunity, the brain, and so much more.

As I slowly put what I learned into practice, my health improved, the weight was finally disappearing, and I was feeling more vibrant!

Then, 2 years into the Keto diet, I found Ketones! I drink exogenous ketones everyday, and they have become the game changer for me that enables me to do this lifestyle with ease.

Ketones have changed my life on every level! I have more energy, better mood, amazing focus and mental clarity, decreased cravings for carbs, and much better quality sleep.

Over the years, I have watched the health of my patients decline, as well as the health of our Nation. This has compelled me to help people begin a journey to their own health.

I am excited to share with you many of the things that I have learned along this journey. From recipes, to supplements, to eating at restaurants, grocery shopping, and support!

So again, Welcome! I hope you find what you’re looking for here.

I wish you success on your journey to health!

